

Falcon training in Abu Dhabi

This first video is the mini-helicopter taking off...

The second video is Mohamed's bird taking off to hunt the bait!

The first "rain day" of my 4.5 years in Abu Dhabi (3 pm classes and beyond were cancelled due to rain and impending storms) and a wonderful invitation by a student to watch he and his friends train their falcons resulted in this photo heavy blog post.

Last month at the falcon azba I learned a lot... and today I learned even more and saw things "in action"... and it was marvelous :)

Voilà the falcon training adventure (5 minutes from university!)

The helicopter that is used to lift the bait into the air for the falcon to track, chase and catch
Falah - she has just started training and needs to be tied with a rope

Taking off the mask....

Feeding her a little...

And calling her name so she gets used to hearing it...

They go for the protein rich parts after the blood...

Two Abu Dhabi young men training their falcons...

Ready for the next bird! The birds need to be trained each day...

The remote control for the helicopter

My student's falcon...

This falcon caught the live bait... and then did what she is trained to do, but she can't eat too much...
because she will need to train again

So the "bait" was covered with a sac and she was given a smaller something to eat

My student Mohamed and his falcon

Mohamed prepares the bait for his bird (not yet named) - the bait comes frozen in boxes of 35 birds from England... talk about a successful SME with a nice market!

Ready to fly!!!!

Off it goes...

Relaxing with gawa and karak after training... (this is a MASTER karak maker!)

Me and Mohamed's falcon

That is me in the background uploading photos to facebook :)

Photo taken by a budding photographer!

Taking photos for social media :)

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